Tuesday, May 14, 2013


              I once had a conversation with a friend of mine, I asked him "Which do you think is the easiest way to heaven?". He said he will have to think about it. It sounded fair after all it is one thing that all the theist today and at any point in history ever wanted .Not just a way, but the easiest one. After a few days I got a text  "Refer Matt. 7:1-5". In a nutshell, what these verses said was to not judge others and you would not be judged.The reasoning was not exactly clear to me but it did give a general line it intended to follow. As days passed the idea finally sank in and sprouted out a few more reason why this might be the a great facilitator if not exactly the way to salvation.
            I do find that most religious systems around the world more often than not are judgmental and biased. One might argue that it is inherent correction mechanism that these systems have evolved to counter the divergence from its core principles. Even from philosophical standpoint, at the end of the day someone has to play a judge or an unguided and unrestrained 'something' will ultimately lead to chaos. Who better can play this role than religion. So being judgmental might be more of a necessity than it is apparent.
               I will be trying to argue my case against being a 'judge' as per the aforementioned reference. When we read these verses a couple of times there are two exceptions where it's deemed fit to be a judge. First, of course when it is done by God himself. Being of christian faith I am convinced beyond doubt that God has every right to do so. Second instance is when we are judging ourselves as per our moral compass. If I judge myself, I intend to correct and improve myself ever time I do so. But when we scale this up to a social level, given the heterogeneity of the human nature , judgement tend to be skewed and do more harm than good.For example I take the view of certain major societies regarding abortion.The conservatives hold the view that is must not be done.The liberals have an exact opposite stance to that. I believe that it only the person in question has the right the go for it or not.If she believes that taking an unborn life is an unpardonable sin, she has all the right in the world to give birth. If she thinks it is inconsequential then, all the same she has the right to go against anyone who tries to prevent her abortion.It is very much a personal choice. I believe in the Triune God and that Holy Spirit lends hand to the faithful in making the right call. That is why I believe that a work of a christian is to show the path and let the spirit lead the way. Similar analogy can be drawn with regard to the societal view on homosexuality too.
             What I am more interested is the space we create for ourselves when we forego judging others. Imagine all this new found time and energy  if focused towards improving oneself and consequently the others around us by our actions rather than our judgments. Another interesting part in the verse the "you would not be judged " part. In all honesty, probably this is that part which actually made "not judging" an option to salvation in our minds. But this Columbus feeling waned when I realize that we were born sinner and that subconsciously even the most ardent believer of this principle could judge someone on something. So essentially the shred of hope that we are hanging on is nothing but grace. In the end for me, the whole "being non judgmental" thing is a means to makes us stronger to keep hanging on rather than a shortcut to salvation.